Workforce connection for facilities management
Critical roles require adequate tooling. Leave paper-based processes behind and empower employees to perform and succeed.

Trusted by the fastest growing companies

Secure, frictionless access to apps
Tired of paying for technology that no one uses? Blink connects frontline to key industry apps in seconds — all seamlessly accessible via Single Sign-On (SSO).
Instant access to business-critical resources and guides
Digitize paper processes such as shift scheduling
Safeguard employees with real-time health & safety intel
Access all your apps integrations via one dashboard

Secure, frictionless access to apps
Facilities management turnover is so high because the work is solitary; they don’t feel a part of things. Blink makes them feel seen, heard, and appreciated — promoting connection and improving retention.
Send and receive relevant comms from relevant people
Push need-to-know info to an employee’s smartphone
Make it easy to report broken equipment and file reports
Flag critical updates and set mandatory reads
Create a culture of transparency & shared accountability

Review and improve
Blink’s Frontline Intelligence features help you optimize your engagement strategy over time, ensuring the best ROI.
Visualize communication flows company-wide
See the reach and engagement stats of every post
Understand who uses the app most and why
... and do it all while maintaining user privacy

Customer story: Eric Wright Facilities Management
Learn how EWFM increased participation with ESG initiatives.