Running a critical system seamlessly

Coastal Medical Transportation Systems, LLC is a 24/7 emergency and non-emergency transportation systems serving healthcare institutions and patients across New England, USA.

ambulance rushing to hospital


Coastal in numbers




active users


average app opens per day

Challenge: delivering essential services during a crisis

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, EMS providers faced a multitude of challenges: workforce shortages, low call volume reducing revenues, and shortages of essential medical supplies. Jose Caballero, District Commander at Coastal Medical, struggled with filling shifts - last-minute staff absences meant empty shifts, resulting in fewer ambulances on the road.  To ensure consistent delivery of a vital service, Jose needed a way to connect to his EMTs at scale and in real-time.

firemen dressed in uniform
ambulance scene with workers

Solution: connecting 600 EMTs

In 2021, Jose became a ‘Blink Champion’, meaning he was responsible for driving Blink adoption across Coastal and its 600 employees.

He quickly saw an opportunity to drive efficiency by encouraging managers to post relevant information using Blink’s Feed - a personalized information feed for every frontline worker. This  solved the critical problem of unfilled shifts:by using Blink to share available shifts to EMTs in real-time, the team was able to make sure a critical public service was operating effectively even in the most challenging moments of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jose and his team also increased efficiency by using the Hub - Blink’s centralized and secure frontline environment where digital forms, policies, safety guidelines and other relevant documents are stored - to share key documentation with the frontline. Jose also reduced time wasted when tracking incidents by redirecting EMTs to the Hub’s Digital Forms to file an incident report.

Finally, Jose and his team were also able to use Blink to solve the challenge of maintaining consistent and accurate communications within an extremely mobile workforce: EMTs would regularly switch teams and locations, making it previously difficult to ensure the right people were receiving team - or location - specific information. Thanks to Blink’s Dynamic Teams, users are automatically added and removed from a team as they join and leave the company, or move from one job to another. This enabled Jose to efficiently lead EMTs by allowing different teams to access the most relevant information to successfully do their jobs.

Impact: an efficient service and a stronger culture

When asking Jose to describe the biggest impact Blink had on his team and Coastal as a whole, he highlights that the increased efficiency was not just a result in itself, but formed a path to something just as important: a more engaged, connected culture.

Because Blink made the day job easier and better, the average Coastal team member opened it nearly six times a day - and in doing so, they were suddenly able to connect not just to leadership but to each other. With the impact of Blink, Jose and his team had powered engagement through enablement, forging the type of connection that makes the business stronger.

ambulance rushing to hospital

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