Service Description

Last Updated: December 2023

Below is the complete list of features and functionality of the Blink Apps.  The live features will depend on your pricing plan.  

  1. 1 Clients
  1. 1.1 Fully native app on iOS and Android
  2. 1.2 Windows and Mac desktop apps
  3. 1.3 Web app, supporting Safari, Firefox & Chrome
  4. 1.4 All apps support full functionality (*some new features are released to one client first)
  5. 1.5 Windows app supports: transparent authentication (IWA/NTLM), deployable MSI
  6. 1.6 iOS and Android apps support biometric authentication (option to enable by admins)
  7. 1.7 Notification and quick replies possible from Apple Watch and Android Wear
  8. 1.8 Notification center for access to summary of activity
  9. 1.9 Beta tracks for early access to new releases
  1. 2 Preferences
  2. 2.1 Do Not Disturb: Set times of day when no notifications are received
  3. 2.2 Notifications: When to get notifications, desktop sounds
  4. 2.3 Edit Profile: Upload profile picture, edit name, job title, manager, department, location, contact numbers, skype name, about me
  5. 2.4 Private contact details: Users can choose to hide their personal details from other users (ie if using a personal phone number to install app)
  6. 2.5 Local: Time zone & preferred temperature format
  7. 2.6 Snooze: Stop notifications for next X hours
  8. 2.7 User Status: Set your status as ‘away’ with some additional detail
  9. 2.8 Language settings: Set your preferred language, for use with real time translation of content (e.g. Feed posts)
  1. 3 Feed
  2. 3.1 Create post: New feed posts that share content with team members:
  • • Text
  • • Pictures – inc. previews
  • • Videos – Previews & inline playing in feed
  • • Links – Including link previews
  • • Files – Attached to feed posts
  • • Recipients – Choose who sees your post, by Team and/orindividuals
  1. 3.2 Post Categories & options:
  • • Send a notification (or not)
  • • Pin post to top of feed
  • • Turn on/off comments
  • • Post categories; social, news, priority, scheduled,featured; new post types can be added per organisation
  • • Schedule a post for the future
  • • Feature a post (boosts post back up feed regularly)
  • • Sendas an Alias
  1. 3.3 Blink Assist – AI powered style writing enhancer
  2. 3.4 Dismiss – New feed posts appear in ‘Latest’. These can be dismissed by users.
  3. 3.5 Tabs – Filtering the feed by post category (latest, social, news, priority, new post types can be added per organization)
  4. 3.6 Featured post carousel – Featured posts will appear in a carousel at the top of the feed for the duration that they are featured for
  5. 3.7 Filter – Filter feed contents by recipient and sender
  6. 3.8 Post analytics – See the reach (absolute and %), impressions, engagement (likes and comments), and unique/total link clicks for each feed post
  7. 3.9 Delete – Users can delete their own feed posts or comments. Admins (org, team or content admin roles) can also delete other users feed posts
  8. 3.10 Edit – Users can edit their posts or comments after sending. Recipients are informed the post has been edited
  9. 3.11 Comment – Users can comment on posts, comment on comments and like comments. Comments are supported by notifications as appropriate. Comments also support mentions, pictures/images and GIFs (with GIF Search)
  10. 3.12 Moderation – Users can report posts, content moderators can review and take action (delete)
  11. 3.13 Expand Audience – Admins/Moderators/Creator can later expand the Audience of a feed post to include more recipients
  12. 3.14 Mentions – Users can be @ mentioned in feed posts and in comments, generating a personal notification for that person
  13. 3.15 Calendars – Ability to add calendars (unlimited) from O365 and G-Suite, to display your day on Feed screen
  14. 3.16 Share links to posts and comments – Create share links that point to a specific Feed post or comment
  15. 3.17 Post Planner – Schedule content ahead of time and view a summary of scheduled content on a calendar

  16. 4 Messaging
  17. 4.1 Chats
  • • Direct / 1-2-1 chats
  • • Group Chats
  • • Channels (if enabled)
  1. 4.2 Inbox
  • Important posts - Top of inbox, algorithmic
  • Favourites - User choice
  • Highlights - From within each chat, individual messages can be highlighted
  • Archive – Archive chats for inbox zero! Filter inbox to only see archived chats
  • Filtering – Based on type of chat
  1. 4.3 In chats  
  • Super Powers; Share addresses (shows map inline), Coin Toss, Confetti cannon, GIF Search, Google, Tea Round, Wikipedia
  • Mentions; Use @ to mention individuals or everyone
  • Attachments; Share files or images (images are show inline)
  • Permissions; assign chat admins, choose who can post into the chat
  • Notifications; Choose for all messages or just mentions
  • Chat icon, name - Change in chat settings
  • Meetings –Integrates with Google Meet, Zoom and Teams, dynamically starts a meeting and posts the joining link into the chat stream
  1. 5 Directory
  2. 5.1 List – Contacts list (people you’ve talked to on Blink), Directory list (everyone in the Blink organisation), and a Team list (the Blink teams you are part of as a user)
  3. 5.2 Favourites: Favourite specific people, making it easy to find them in Directory
  4. 5.3 Profiles – Each user has a profile with:
  • • Name
  • • Job title
  • • Contact number
  • • Email
  • • Manager
  • • Department
  • • Location
  • • Skype details
  • • Shared media and docs
  1. 5.4 Teams – Ability to see the teams you’re in and manage each team including;
  • • View & add members
  • • View & create new channels (if enabled)
  • • Restrict posting from team (to feed, for team admins only)
  • • Leave team
  • • If admin, ability to rename team, purpose and change icon
  1. 6 Hub

Share files, pages, shortcuts, forms, and micro-apps with teams. Users can see any content that is shared with a team they are a member of.

  1. 6.1 Shortcuts – External websites/applications, each has name, icon and URL
  2. 6.2 Files – Share documents, images or any other file type
  3. 6.3 Pages – Create pages for sharing content. Pages can include;
  • • Headings
  • • Text
  • • Images
  • • Videos
  • • Links
  • • Formatting (Bold, Underline, Italics)
  • • Numbered and bullet list
  1. 6.4 Micro-Apps – Small apps that can be developed by customers, partners or Blink. They are web technology standards based so can add functionality as needed
  2. 6.5 Forms - An integration with online form providers allows organisations to share forms and surveys to their users within Blink. These forms can be stored in the Hub and shared to the feed for users to complete within the app.
  3. 6.6 Folders – Files, pages, shortcuts and micro-apps can be organised into folders
  4. 6.7 Preview – Where file type is supported (ie .docx, .xlsx, .pdf, .doc, .ppt, images), files can be opened within Blink without downloading
  5. 6.8 Mandatory Reads – The ability to share a page within the Hub, with a push notification and require acknowledgement from the users]
  6. 6.9 Video – Upload and stream multiple video formats directly in Hub (.mov, .mpg, .mp4, .avi)
  7. 7 Search

Blink has a universal search feature, that not only searches and returns all the content on Blink, but also most connected applications. Returned results include:

  • • Messages
  • • Chats and Channels
  • • People
  • • Files - From Chats, Hub and (if connected) OneDrive,Dropbox and G-Drive
  • • Images
  • • Emails (if connected to your email account)
  • • Integrations: Contents from ServiceNow, Jira, Salesforce, Trello
  1. 8 Integrations
  2. Ability to add integrations, or configure existing integrations with external apps. Integrations can:
  1. 8.1 Post to feed – Integrations can post cards to the feed that can include;
  • Notifications – Updates from the app such as new ticket assigned, opportunity overdue, appraisal feedback needed, file shared or anything else
  • Live data – Cards can include data that is updated from the app in realtime
  • Action buttons – Approve a request, start a workflow; buttons can be used send a request of any type to an external system/integration
  • Link to chat – A button on a card that opens a chat, for example opens the direct chat with the requestor of annual leave
  • Open a micro-app – For more complex interactions, such as updating a lead in Salesforce or re-assigning an incident in ServiceNow, the card can open a micro-app
  • Much more; videos, images, links, sections, ribbon, icons, titles + much more can be added to cards
  • • Users can choose in their integrations settings which types of updates they receive for each integration
  • • There is also a small menu on each feed card that allows users to unsubscribe from all types of notification from an app, or just a certain type
  1. 8.2 Search results – Integrations can be searched when a user searches Blink and the results augmented into the Search results

    Blink comes with a number of integrations, with more being added all the time. You can also build your own integrations using our API. Some of the default integrations and functionality available includes:
  1. 8.3 Microsoft 365 – Connect unlimited Microsoft 365 accounts for;
  • • Calendar
  • • Outlook emails in Blink Search
  • • OneDrive or SharePoint results in Blink Search
  • • Surface SharePoint files within the Blink Hub
  1. 8.4 G-Suite – Connect unlimited work or personal Google accounts for;
  • • Calendar
  • • G-Mail emails in Blink Search
  • • G-Drive results in Blink Search
  1. 8.5 Salesforce – Connect your Salesforce account for;
  • • Feed notifications when;
  • o  An opportunity is closed
  • o  A new opportunity is created
  • o  An event in my calendar matches an active opportunity
  • o  Opportunities that are overdue
  • o  An existing opportunity is updated
  • o  My weekly sales update is ready
  • • Salesforce results returned in Blink Search including
  • o  Contacts
  • o  Accounts
  • o  Leads
  • o  Opportunities
  1. 8.6 ServiceNow – Ask your ServiceNow admin to install the ServiceNow app for;
  • • Alerts when a new ticket (incident, service request, change) is assigned to your resolver group
  • • Ability to assign new tickets to an individual within your resolver group (using a micro-app from the card)
  • • Ability to reassign a new ticket to an alternative resolver group
  • • ServiceNow records returned within Blink Search
  1. 8.7 Jira – Ask your Jira admin to connect Blink for feed alerts when;
  • • Description changed on an issue you reported, are assigned to or are watching
  • • Assignee changed on an issue you reported or are watching
  • • You are assigned an issue
  • • New comment on an issue you reported, are assigned to or are watching
  • • Summary changed on an issue you reported, are assigned to or are watching
  • • Workflow status changed on an issue you reported, are assigned to or are watching
  • • Plus, Jira results returned to you in Blink Search
  1. 8.8 GitHub – connect your GitHub account to receive feed cards when;
  • • Assigned to or requested to review a Pull Request
  • • When someone has reviewed your Pull Request
  • • Someone merges or closes your Pull Request
  1. 8.9 Trello – connect your personal or team account for feed notifications when;
  • • You are added as a member to a card
  • • A card you are a member of receives a comment
  1. 8.10 Dropbox – Connect unlimited number of Dropbox accounts for Dropbox files to be retuned in Blink search
  2. 8.11 Todoist – Connect your todoist account for a morning summary of tasks due today, tomorrow and tasks overdue
  3. 8.12 Zendesk – Connect your Zendesk account for a feed card when;
  • • A new ticket is raised
  • • A ticket receives a new comment
  1. 8.13 Typeform – Connect your Typeform account to have new survey responses received as a card directly into your feed
  2. 8.14 Zapier – Connect to over 1,400 other apps with our powerful Zapier integration;
  • • Connect to your external apps via Zapier (over 1,400 supported)
  • • Share a Zap with yourself, your team or your entire organisation
  • • Individuals can see each Zap they are receiving, and change their personal preferences
  • • Set-up complex rules and filtering of Zaps within Zapier
  • • Full access to Card features; set icons, ribbon colour, add sections, images, action buttons and much more.
  1. 9 Admin

Blink has a comprehensive admin portal, accessible to any user with Org Admin, Content Admin or Team Admin privileges. The Admin portal includes the following capabilities;

  1. 9.1 Activity
  • • Filter by any Team. View past 7, 14, 30, and 90 days
  • • Active users: Daily active users, % of users active in past 30 days, # of users in org
  • • Account Registration Score: # users not invited, invited, registered
  • • Accounts by status: % Engaged vs Passive vs Inactive users
  1. 9.2 Engagement
  • • Filter by any Team. View past 7, 14, 30, and 90 days
  • • Trending posts: View content that is currently trending, including # reactions, comments, views and % reach for each post.
  • • Feed interactions: By posts, likes comments, over time+ totals
  • • Messaging: Direct vs group messages
  1. 9.3 Surveys
  • • Pulse Survey – Create and run a pulse survey directly in Blink. Use a predefined question, or create a custom one.
  • • Survey Builder – Create a Survey with multiple questions, supporting NPS and Likert type answers. Send to specific teams, or your entire organisation. View results including a breakdown of results per team, department, or location.
  1. 9.4 Export Analytics
  • • Export the Activity and Engagement analytics data available in Blink and download as an Excel file.
  1. 9.5 Feed
  • • Single view of all Feed posts sent in your organisation, alongside analytics for every post (Reactions, Comments, Views and Reach)
  1. 9.6 Hub
  • • Add/edit/edit/move folders, shortcuts, micro-apps, files, videos and pages
  • • For each, add/view/edit name, icon, teams shared with
  • • Add ‘Quick Links’
  • • Create and edit sections
  • • View Hub Analytics (views, created, last updated)
  • • Share items to the feed
  1. 9.7 Mandatory Reads
  • • Create Mandatory Read
  • • View Active Mandatory Reads: See progress, filter by team, send reminders, download/export, make inactive
  • • View Inactive Mandatory Reads: See progress, filter by team, download/export, make active
  1. 9.8 Journeys
  • • Create Journeys based on Start- and registration-date user triggers
  • • Send a feed post on, or after (x days) a supported trigger occured
  1. 9.9 Aliases
  • • View aliases
  • • Create aliases
  • • Edit aliases
  • • Change who can use aliases
  1. 9.10 Users
  • Your users – List of your users, searchable, downloadable
  • User Profiles – View/edit all user profile details, send password re-set emails, disable users (also logs them out of all sessions/devices), download starter packs, assign admin roles, view current teams and add users to teams
  • Disabled – List of disabled users
  • Invited – List of invited users, ability to re-send invite, retract invite and for admins to seethe last sent one-time passcode
  1. 9.11 Invite
  • • Ability to invite users to your org by email or telephone number (SMS)
  • • Up to 5 users can be invited in one operation
  • • At the time of invite, add a new user to a selection of teams
  • • Bulk import via xlsx for more than 5 users at a time
  • • Ability to download (in bulk or individually) user starter packs, including the ability for them to self sign-up with unique codes or with QR codes
  1. 9.12 Bulk Update
  • • Update users in bulk via xlsx, supporting user profile fields and team membership
  1. 9.13 Teams
  • • View teams
  • • Search list
  • • Team profile; view/edit name, icon, purpose, members, team admins
  • • Create a team
  1. 9.14 Dynamic Team membership rules
  • • Create dynamic rules to manage team membership
  • • Add everyone in your organisation to a team, or pull members in dynamically using company name, department, job title and location properties.  
  1. 9.15 Single Sign-On
  • • View configured SSO integrations and set up additional integrations
  1. Authentication
  • • Password – Use password authentication (strong password always enabled)
  • • OTP – Default. Sends 6 digit code via email and/or SMS text message
  • • O365 – Use OAuth with O365 auth for SSO, for O365 customers
  • • Google – Use OAuth with G-Suite auth for SSO, for Google Apps customers
  • • SAML – Integrate with external SAML provided such as ADFS or Okta  
  • • SCIM – Available for two-way sync and simplified JML
  • • Enable enforced bio-metric ID (if available, mobile devices will ask for fingerprint or face ID before opening Blink)
  1. 9.17 User Privileges
  • • Change fields that users can edit
  • • Set default user role (new users will be Org Admins or not)
  • • Set who can invite new users (from main app)
  1. 9.18 Audit Log
  • • Live log of user actions including; Message sent, conversation opened, bots, access audit logs, bot creation, authentication
  • • Event details; user, time, IP, location, client, browser, OS and event ID
  • • Filtering of events by; user, type, date and time
  1. 9.19 Manage Apps
  • • Custom integrations: Create, manage, configure, set-up auth
  • • Blink integrations: Configure instance URLs, tokens etc.
  1. 9.20 App Marketplace
  • • Browse and set up all available apps and integrations in Blink
  1. 9.21 Branding
  • • Set company name
  • • Change company icon/logo, banner photo, colour schema
  • • Custom welcome video
  • • Custom subdomain (
  • • Your domains (email domains where users are authorised to join your organisation – can turn this off)
  1. 9.22 Key Contacts – Set your key contacts, used by Blink support and some Micro-Apps (ie Employee Feedback Micro-App)
  • • Operations Contacts
  • • Security Contacts
  • • Compliance Contacts
  1. 9.23 Billing (if by Credit Card)
  • • Plan details, currency
  • • Purchase Business plan or cancel
  • • Credit card; view, update details
  • • Billing email/contact
  • • Add/remove user licences

10: Additional Functionality

  • 10.1 Real Time Translation – The ability to translate feed posts, comments, and pages to a language of choice.  
  • 10.2 Employee Recognition – Add the Employee Recognition app to your Hub to provide employees with a simple flow to recognise their peers.
  • 10.3 Open Shifts – Add the Open Shifts apps to your Hub to allow your workforce to advertise and fill available shifts.

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